Wednesday, September 30, 2015

tied game 9/30/15

I was house sitting for Shawns sister with my mom. They had a huge refrigerator full of beer so I got my mom a pineapple smirnoff ice and I got myself some dark craft beer. We were watching TV and I went to the food refrigerator and when I looked inside I found their baby in the crisper drawer. I told the sister and she was freaking out saying she had only put her in there for a minute because she was too hot but there was an ice layer covering the baby that we had to break off. Then I was walking around a college on the phone with my dad trying to meet up with him while hiding from the professors because I wasn't in school anymore and if they saw me they would try to make me go to class. I was trying to go across a ladder bridge to get to the other side of the building but when I got half way across I was too scared to go the rest of the way because I was afraid of heights and I could see down through the bridge. I didn't notice that there had been another solid wood bridge on the other side of the room but I couldn't make it back on the bridge and I was trying to hand my phone over to someone so I could use both hands to crawl back. I was hanging out with my brother and Shawn and my brother kept saying he wanted to smoke a welcome home joint with us and he was so excited that when we said we couldn't because we were looking for a job his feelings got really hurt. We were hanging out in a pool and my brother was looking at Shawn to see if he had any pot tattoos too because he was so proud that he just got a new one. I looked and my brother had a weed plant tattoo on his chest and three black cross tattoos. Shawn said something about how he doesn't have a tattoo to single him out like that or something and I could tell it hurt my brothers feelings. All of a sudden I was with someone strapped on to a flock of birds that were flying in a V shape in the sky. We were flying all over the place and I could see everything but I was kind of nervous because I didn't want to let go of the straps I was hanging on to. I was at this football game and the teams tied but when they went in to over time they started procrastinating starting the game back up. First they played a video of some girls birthday. Then they zoomed in on a guy singing a song in the crowd and the whole stadium started singing with him. I looked around and saw these two girls there holding cakes in the shape of numbers of two of the players. I assumed that they were their boyfriends and they had died somehow so they were cakes of remembrance. They kept playing different things on the big screen and all of these people started running on to the field. I was waiting for them to bring out the cute puppies or kitties as a distraction. I was asking Shawn why they were holding back the game like this and he said maybe it was so these teams can play each other again in the playoffs. I said aren't the people at home watching this game really confused as to why it just stopped? Are they getting to see everything there doing right now or are they just playing commercials for them?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

19th century devil 9/29/15

I went camping with a few people but it was one of the guys that was with us bachelor party. I had some black cherry vodka and Morgan and Heidi couldn't drink it because they kept throwing it up so I had to drink the whole bottle by myself. My family showed up in the morning and we were trying to find a place to camp. It turned into a pool party in a cabin and everyone one from Denton was there. I tried to say hi to L but she ignored me. Then minutes later she came up and gave me a big hug. Some guy was asking me why the guy had his bachelor party there last night and I told him not everyone can afford the strip club. I said the guy wanted to save his money to get fucked up at the honey moon but the guy I was talking to just shook his head. I was sitting in a pool chair by the pool and Jaiden ran over but he knocked over a kids basketball hoop that was filled with fruit. All of the fruit fell into the pool. He grabbed me and said he wanted this to be real so bad there no way it can be. I looked at him and touched his hair and knew it couldn't be real because he cut his hair and I jumped into the pool to grab the fruit. I picked up three apples but couldn't get the orange or the plum. I walked to where the bunk beds were and this little alien that was kind of grasshopper shaped came up and took the form of a little man. He asked if he could read his newspaper in the room and I told him check out was at 11 so he can stay until we have to leave but asked him what his get away plan was because he was not supposed to be there. He pointed at the ceiling and there was a board he could move to get out that way. I looked outside the window and there was a group of about 20 of the little grasshopper aliens in a field with a bunch of people surrounding them and praying it looked like to them. All of a sudden this strange white crystal looking thing zapped all of the people and they died. The aliens started feeding off of the dead people. I saw someone with Jaidens short hair with a pink streak in it in the pile of dead people and thought a few minutes ago in the pool was the last time I ever saw him alive.
     I was at a house and there was a concert/ festival going on outside. Shawn and his friends were already out there so I was trying to hurry and find something to wear. I wanted to look really cool in case I saw someone I knew. Everything looked really dorky and I kept changing. I put on this white trash bag t-shirt that had a funny face on it but no one noticed the funny face they just noticed that it was a trash bag so I was trying to take it off but it got stuck. I asked this big lesbian if she wanted to take my shirt off because I was stuck and she got really excited and said yes. When I finally went outside the whole crowd was gone. I saw a few people towards the back of where the concert grounds were so I walked over. There was a group of about 3 or 4 people sitting on the ground meditating or praying so the other group of rough looking misfits told me to be quiet. I asked them what happened to the party and I opened a beer. Music started playing again and people started to show up again. I said yay after party but I went inside to look for my friends. When I was inside I started looking though different rooms but the rooms were disappearing. I would open a door and there would be just a wall or and empty room. I remembered that Satan messes with people who are spiritual or are close to God.  A song popped into my head and I sang it out loud but I cant remember it now. It was something about the closer you are to him that's when the trouble begins but when you get far your nothing and don't matter anymore or something I don't know. I was running to the living room of the house where I knew my family and things were. I was trying to find a notebook to write down my song before everything disappeared or was changed. I ran into the room where my family was talking to this man with a top hat that looked at me directly in the eyes and I knew it was him that was changing everything. Everything was very 19th century looking even the ladies were wearing the poofy dresses and such. I grabbed what I thought was a notebook but it was my personal address book. I thought if I keep it in my hand then it wont get changed and I will have a record of who I actually knew and who they were. I looked down at a hymn on the piano that said "a day in a life in heaven" but when I blinked it had changed to "an eternity in hell" I ran to the gift shop on the other side of the room but things were disappearing left and right. I thought I could catch him if I couldn't find a note book by saying what kind of gift shop doesn't have notebooks he is obviously making things disappear. At that point someone handed me a notebook but I forgot why I needed it because out of the back door I saw it was flooding a blood red brownish color. There was an ocean that color in the distance.
     I was at a dinner table with some people still in 19th century and I was making a pot lock breakfast with eggs with vegetables in them, rice and beans mush, I asked everyone if they wanted pancakes and bacon and they said yes. I said I was trying to use all of the left over food from a party my family had that morning. Some kid at the table that looked like Danikan had put all of the eggs in a pan but they were uneven so I was annoyed. The eggs were all piled up on top of each other so they were growing really tall so I shook them around and they evened out on the pan to make fried eggs but they were not spaced out right. I was trying to get a bacon pan ready but there was too much grease in the pan so I was trying to dump half of it out in another pan. The bacon I had was in the shape and size of sun dresses. I was upset that I could only fit three on the pan at a time but then I was confused as to why they were bacon dresses and then they were regular bacons again. My aunt walked in and was talking to my mom about her financial situation. She told her she must have been upset when I made all of the food because she can't afford it. My mom said she could when my aunt was living there. My aunt said well I'm back but I don't think my mom wanted her to be. My dad looked outside and said oh no hes back and asked me if I remembered the blank license plates. I remembered the man from earlier had blank license plates too. He said he thinks that the guy across the street is also in front of the house. I looked and it was this mime that was wearing a striped outfit but the stripes were orange and green and black. He said that he had heard a lady scream and a dog barking in the front of the house and he thought it was at that guy. I looked on the kitchen buffet table and there was an orange, green, and black striped outfit laying there. I started getting nervous and looked outside and saw an ocean in the background and remembered the flood and saw a vision of an orange and red storm in the clouds with a black eye in the center. Some girl at the table said at least hes pretty cute. Then someone else said no the cutest guy was Jonny Depp and I looked at her funny because I knew we were in the 19th century and Jonny Depp was supposed to be in the future. I thought what if he was a vampire and had really been alive in this time too.

Monday, September 28, 2015

babies. drama. 9/27/15

I had a baby but forgot about it and it had been staying at Shawns parents house for a year. When his mom confronted me about when am I going to have time for my kid I couldn't even remember his name. Shawn kept calling him Reginald or something but I remembered it was Nikola. I got defensive and said she can't have my baby and hes going to live with me now. A bunch of people started cheering like I was on an episode of Maury. When she gave me the baby it was as big as my hand. He has super bright blue eyes. I kept trying to be really careful with him because he was so tiny. I fell asleep in a room in a house and when I woke up I heard Shawn say he cant get it up and I walked in on him at a computer and I thought he meant he couldn't get his dick up because he was watching porn or something but he said he couldn't get the webpage up and working. I was looking around for the baby but the crib was empty. I was pregnant again with another baby but this one was a surrogate black baby. My boobs hurt really bad because I hadn't breast fed the first kid in a year and I guess I thought all of the milk was built up since then. I took the first baby and tried to breast feed him but it squirted out so hard the baby kept throwing up. I kept squeezing bubbles of milk out and it was really gross. I asked Shawns mom if the baby was too old to feed like that and she said no but I didn't know how old he was. She said he was three now but he was still only as big as my hand.
    All of a sudden I was on a really dramatic episode of Degrassi and we were all swimming in a swimming pool. The couple whose baby I was carrying was there and I could tell they weren't together anymore. The girl came over and started kicking me in the stomach and I kept screaming please let me keep my baby please let me keep my baby. I was crying and trying not to drown in the pool and I flopped up on the side of the pool and it was really dramatic. The whole cast of the show was there and one dorky guy came up with a weird mustache and no deodorant and a Hawaiian shirt on. I asked him why he was dressed like that and he said because he thought it would impress me when he asks me to marry him. I asked him why I thought that would be impressive and I looked at my armpits and they weren't shaved and I looked like a hippie so I guess that's how he got that impression. All of a sudden I was at his house and his family was making a vegetarian dinner and salad because they thought I would like it.  

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Jealous in Germany 9/26/15

I was waiting for Shawn to get home from work and I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up it was about 7:30 pm. He got home and I asked him if he just got off but he said he had been off work since 2:30 but had gone to a co-workers house afterwards and took some ecstasy. I asked him who all was over there and if he brought any back. He said yes but he looked like Baker now.  I was still mad for some reason. I said forget this I'm leaving. I went to grab a bag of clothes and told him I would come back to get the rest of my stuff sometime next week. I left and then I was in a small town in the middle of nowhere. I think it was a family thing and I asked Morgan if she wanted to go get a beer from the town bar. I went to the bar and there were a few sad old people there. I ordered a huge mug of beer and sat down and I noticed uncle John same in and sat down at the bar. Morgan said she had to go change real quick but she never came back so I finished my beer and left. I finally found her down the street and she said she forgot because she was dealing with stuff with her suitcase. I went to a different more crowded bar and was getting a drink with Heidi. I had another big beer and was trying to go down this ladder into another bar that had blue lights and jazz music but I was really scared to go down the ladder with a beer in my hand. Somehow I made it down there and everyone was wearing fancy clothes and white dresses. I fit in because I was wearing a poofy white dress. There was no seating so I said I would sit at the bar. I was eating a plate of food when I was trying to leave and I put it on the floor next to some other dirty dishes.
    I was in Germany and I was staying with Shawn with an Irish guy and another guy and we were testing bicycles to see which one we wanted to use. I was having a hard time riding my bike because it was too big and the wheels weren't working very well. We were riding around the town but I kept losing everyone. Shawn called Jeremy and he said he could be over in a few minutes because he was in the area. For some reason he said we were in New York even though I knew we were still in Germany. We stopped at this outdoor picnic table bar and there was this really pretty blonde girl that was hitting on Shawn. I wasn't worried but then she started being rude to me. He noticed and said oh no you don't mess with Romeo and Juliet and kind of started ignoring her. She kept flirting though and I guess got though to him because they went over to an arcade machine which was a faded Baulders Gate game. They were laughing and poking each other and this little blonde girl kept trying to sit in my lap. I asked her where her mom was and she pointed at the girl that was with Shawn. I noticed she had two other kids with her. I brought her other kid to her and I told Shawn have fun with that and I got on my bike and left. I was planning on meeting back up with them later but my phone died and I didn't have my charger so I couldn't find any one. The next morning no one was home yet so I left and it was snowing and icing and I was roller skating. I started trying to find everyone but I couldn't.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

sex slave 9/23/15

I was sitting in a room full of people that were sitting in chairs asleep and these aliens I can't remember what they looked like or if I could even see them but they were doing something to our brains and our dreams and I remembered what Jacob said about certain aliens feed off fear so I kept sending thought messages around the room saying I love you to every alien and sending feelings of peace to cover the room.

I was laying in bed with Shawn, and Thomas came by and asked us if we had seen this cartoon movie about a black nazi named Ari Guospo... I can't remember how it was spelled but it looked something like that. I wanted to stay up and watch it but Shawn was going to sleep and I got frustrated because I wasn't tiered.

I was in France again and we had rented a car for a few days. We were hanging out with Adrian and we were getting ready to fly back to America. We were walking and had to go up this street that was on a huge hill. Adrian asked if it would be easier to ride bikes up the hill. I remembered that we had rented that car and had to take it back anyways. We were going to a hotel where we would go to the airport from. Adrian was riding with us and I asked him how he was going to get back to his house? I thought well then he can take the car back on the way home. We got to the hotel and there were a lot of people waiting for us, some family and people from my old church. We were trying to pack up and I was worried about what time we needed to go to the airport. There were two groups of people flying back one was me and Shawn and the other was my brother Josh and some of his friends. His plane left later in the day so they weren't so worried about packing and had just started making dinner. I didn't know if the plane left at 7 or 9 and I was having a really hard time looking it up. I saw two shot glasses in the kitchen and Shawn was walking out so I asked him if he had taken a shot. He said yes and I said why wasn't I invited! I asked him who he took a shot with because this other girl from church was also in the kitchen so I got kind of jealous. I got distracted by this shelf in one of the bedrooms with a bunch of tiny bottles of oil. I was looking for lavender or tea tree but there were only things I've never heard of. I had a big bag of candy and wanted to take it on the plane with me but I remembered I can't take food on it so I wanted to dump it in one of the suitcases so I could check it through.
     I was back at my parents old house and I was still packing but I was confused as to why I needed to go get on the plane for 20 hours when I was already home. I was wearing a dress and I decided to pack the most comfortable outfit I own for the plane ride. I was searching through a big pile of my clothes.
     I was at an AFI concert with Morgan and we were sitting right next to the guy from type o negative and we were both scooting closer trying to nonchalantly hit on him. The band had just started playing and I was worried because it was already 8:00 and I had to be at the airport at 9:00. Somehow I had scooted too close to him to where it was really obvious. He said hows it going and I almost passed out. The scene jumped to a week later where I was having a flashback to a facebook message conversation that we had where he had sent me a picture of his awesome expensive gothic house and I said something really stupid back like nice scary face statues or something. I was in his house and he was saying he was sick and going to sleep. Immediately I thought oh man hes one of these guys that just pretends to be sick all of the time and as he was walking away I noticed how fat he was getting. He asked his butler if he was going to go to sleep early too and I thought oh man and hes gay and I didn't even notice. The butler sounded irritated when he said no he wants to stay up later this time. He asked me and I said no I'm not sleepy yet and he got mad and came back out to sit on his giant chair that might have been a throne. His house was gorgeous with all kinds of gothic architecture and statues and trinkets. Anyways so he called me over to his chair and snapped his fingers for the butler to bring him a drink and I noticed I was wearing a really goofy ugly white maid outfit with poofy sleeves, not even a sexy maid outfit. I started making out with the butler because I guess the guy liked watching that or something. He called me over and forced me to sit in his lap. He pulled out his dick and it was really funny because it was triangle shaped but he started playing with me and then just left. I was so mad I said what the fuck I'm leaving you can't just leave me hanging like that. He said that's what I get for not being a good enough servant he just wanted to leave it there for later. I left and I was worried that he was going to try to stop me but he didn't. Shawn picked me up and asked if I was ready to go to the airport. I was laughing on the way trying to tell him about the triangle shaped penis but he said he didn't want to know about things like that. There was a huge line of parked cars on the service road that seemed like they were waiting in traffic but no one was in them. I said I needed to take care of something so I started masturbating. I accidentally squirted all over his car so much I was afraid I got my comfy clothes for the airport wet. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

bugs 9/22/2015

I woke up in my bed at my old house when I was a kid and got up to go to the bathroom. I walked in and couldn't turn on the light. I saw a few cockroaches run by and when I looked closer I noticed that there were thousands of them in all sizes. I screamed and ran to my parents room and they screamed and told me to hold on so they could put some clothes on. They ran out there and said there are not roaches everywhere and then they looked closer and noticed that there were. My dad kept trying to kill them all but there were two many. I was trying to crawl up on a bed but they were spreading everywhere. I asked mom why does she not just vacuum them all up.

I was in a tall windy tower with stair cases that wrapped around for 7 or 8 stories. I accidentally went to far and ended up on the top story. I looked back down the windy staircase and realized how scared of heights and the stairs I was. I decided to crawl back down the stairs but as soon as I got on my hands and knees I noticed all of these cobwebs. I had a wooden stick with me and I was trying to clear a path when I noticed all of these spiders in all sizes. They were everywhere all of a sudden and some of them were almost a foot long.

I was at a family event and I was staying in a room with some of my cousins and there was not much space so we had to make a bed out of the kitchen table. I had a coloring book and was annoyed that one of my cousins was watching TV really loud. The table bed got messed up and we were trying to put the table cloth back on which was cut into thin strips but there weren't enough strips to recover the table. My aunt came in and said sorry there was not enough space for everyone. We went to float the river the next day but I brought a tiny bag of coke and a straw. We were in the river and a cop came up searching people. I threw the bag and the straw in a pool filter and was watching it to make sure I could catch it again later. He searched us and couldn't find anything. When all of the stuff in the filter came out of what looked like an airport security check I grabbed the little bag and stuck it in my swimsuit bottoms. I saw my cousin hide the other evidence for me and I thought it was really sad and sweet that she would do that. We were trying to leave the river park and we got stopped by another security guy. He checked our bags and didn't find anything except when I looked at my bag it was a double decker clutch purse with a mini garden on top and it looked like weed but it was just cooking herbs. When they checked this other kid we were with he didn't have his immigrant papers on him so I told my mom that we need to leave now. I said just go hurry! She said you do have something on you don't you. I said shh lets just go. She asked if it was the sweet and salty kind. I said yes now lets get to the van. We saw a few cops running by when we were walking to the car-park. We got in this huge RV van and about 7 cousins were with us. I said where am I going to sit what if they search the vehicle. I sat in the back.

I was at a big house and someone was upset that these people didn't have "the present" ready yet. These people in really funny looking servants costumes started cleaning up a bunch of stuff and moving stuff in. My mom came in and asked me if I had seen my new room yet. I walked into this room and it was huge it had a fireplace and bookshelves and huge closets and a dressing room with a really big mirror. I went into the dressing room and was trying to turn on the lights but there were so many switches that were turning on all kinds of lights in there. I went to this closet in the back of the room and it was really another room where this lady and her two kids were sleeping on bunk beds. My mom said I'm lucky to get this room because I was born on the 13th and this was room 13. (In real life I'm not born on the 13th) There was a strange closet with a bunch of hangers hanging from the ceiling with little ribbons hanging off of them. I went to the main room and I knew I wasn't supposed to but I took one poof of weed. I noticed a concert going on outside and everyone was out there dancing. I wanted to dance too and I noticed Jaiden standing in the window watching the concert. I felt bad for him and asked him if he wanted to go outside to dance but he said he was going to go back to his hotel room to go to sleep. His eyes were super red. He asked me if those were his gloves I was wearing and I said ummm no which they were but I wanted to keep them so I left.

Monday, September 21, 2015

videos 9/21/15

I was driving through a town and ran across a buckees bar/ gas station and I remembered going there before. All of a sudden I remembered living on the beach with my mom and her friend for months a long time ago.
I was watching a video on my phone that someone had taken at a house with me and a few friends. It was really creepy because we were doing evil witch crafty things. I was watching the video and I saw myself being recorded saying something that I would never say in real life and was wondering if I was black out drunk in the video. I kept rewinding it to watch myself saying something and I was so confused telling the person I was with that I would never say something like that in real life. I thought it must be a video that someone recorded and turned it into a movie later without telling anyone. I kept trying to remember the person who recorded the video. Then I was in a theater class in school watching a movie about an alternate version of snow white in a different language. There was a preview for the movie with a bunch of french girls in a city taking their clothes off in the street. I said wow they can get away with a lot more over there with media rules. I was in the movie and all of these creepy scenes were playing through. It was half black and white and the color was slowly starting to get painted in. I was sitting tied up on a mine shoot tunnel cart with someone else. It was like a disney ride with a bunch of wax figure scenes set up along the ride. We rode through different rooms of things going on. At some point the movie was over and I was looking for the second movie of that which was a cinderella black and white movie.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Eternal death rooms 9/19/15

I was at my moms old house and we ran out of apple cider so I said I would go to the store to get some more. I went to a really big mall and I'm not sure how long I was there but I noticed that everyone there was mall zombies. Everyone that worked there was trying to get the customers to stay forever. They kept trying to talk to me and I started to run out of the mall. I didn't even pay for the beer I had which I noticed that I had already drank three of. I jumped in the car with my two friends and sped away.
I was in this house/hotel with hundreds of rooms and in each room there was a different spooky mystery story happening on repeat for forever. I stopped in one room and these people were playing a game where you roll a dice and depending on which number you got (odd or even) meant if you were pure or not. If you rolled a 14 then you were automatically unpure and had to stick your self with a needle and if you bled clear you were pure and if you bled red then you were not. Any time you rolled an unpure number you had to test yourself with the needle. A family of three people showed up and they were considered super human or something because they had all rolled a 14 and bled clear. Something happened and one of them bled red. I was looking at a picture and someone was asking what it looked like and it was one of those optical illusion pictures that depending on how you looked at it, it looked like something different. If you looked at it one way it was the earth and a cross with light coming out of it as a bridge to space. If you looked at it another way it was a demon eating something that looked like mountains. I saw it a third way but the guy showing the picture didn't believe me that it could be seen a third way so he kept scrolling through other pictures and I wanted him to go back so I could show him but I couldn't find the picture again. I went to another room and there was a lady vacuuming. Forever. There was a murder mystery going on in another room where a guy was smoking a lot of cigars. I went to the main part of the house/hotel and saw a room with a bunch of people watching TV. I looked off of the balcony and there was a huge conference hall full of thousands of people watching TV. Forever. I went to another room and Ferris Beuler was arranging some green refrigerator magnets into sentences that didn't make sense. He was laughing hysterically about how he didn't understand what they meant. I went to a different room and there were two tiny cross trinkets and I grabbed them. Someone came down the hall and they had bright red eyes so I thought they were a vampire. I held the cross up and the person exploded. More people kept coming down the hall with glowing red eyes so I held the crosses up and caught the light to reflect it like a laser towards the "vampires". They kept exploding all over the hall.

Monday, September 14, 2015

painting the elements 9/14/15

I was looking at a photo that took up my whole eyesight and some of it was blurry. It was a painting of a side of a mountain and a trail going up the side through some woods. I cleared up the blurry parts with my finger and saw a house in the top left corner of the picture. Then it turns out I was looking at the scene through a window and this group of girls came out of the house and started walking down the trail. I recognized one as my daughter and started feeling really sad. She was about 12 or 13 in this picture. I went out to a van with Shawn and the girl came up to the car and got in. When I saw her my eyes started watering because I had not seen her in so long and I told her I had really missed her. She was about 16 or 17 now and was blonde with curly hair. She started crying too and said she really missed me. My mom was in the car and asked us if we wanted to go get a hair cut at the mall together. I texted my mom to ask her if she was sure she could pay for it.
     We got to the mall and I went down to the bottom floor and heard that Elon Musk was letting people take a picture with him for 5$ each. I was freaking out I was so excited but I didn't have anything to wear. Some girl let me borrow a dress and I decided just to wear my normal sandals because maybe the feet wouldn't be in the picture. I was trying to change so fast while people were waiting in line to take a picture but I couldn't change fast enough and he walked away right when I got my shoe on. I started walking though the building trying to find him to see if he had time to take just one last picture. I walked into this room where a bunch of really smart good looking scientists were hanging out drinking punch. Everyone was freaking out that I was there and pretending to laugh at everything I said because they "thought I was so funny and clever". Aj walked in and I flipped him off with a "bing" sound effect. Everyone laughed and was saying oh shes so cute did you hear the funny sound effect. I said whats the deal how does every one here know me?! Someone said oh its because of what you said to the head of the department in your speech last week. I said "oh that bitch??". Everyone laughed again. I walked down a hallway in the back of the room to see if I could find Elon. I ran into my brother Josh in the hallway and he said he had just came from Elons office because he wanted to know what the big deal was. I said holy crap will you show me where it is and bring your camera to take a picture. He said we were going to have to go all the way to the bottom floor of the mall. Some how I was back in the mall and I dropped my clothes on the escalator. I was trying to pick them up before the end of the elevator ride (which was a really long way down about four stories) but I was too slow and kept dropping things while this guy behind me was counting down and I fell at the end of it. I dropped my clothes but I was right outside of the door where my moms hotel room was. I told her I was just dropping off some clothes.
     I was looking at another painting photo and this time it was a forest scene with a river and it was raining. Josh was crossing the river and held on to a log. It was raining so hard I thought it was going to flood and Josh was going to float away. My mom was standing next to me and we were trying to tell Josh to hurry and cross before it got too bad. I started smearing around the paint on the picture and the weather started changing. I made less water but then the colors started smearing so it turned into a huge river of mud. I threw the picture away and I heard a voice that said you control it with your hands now. I thought really hard and swung my arm around and the mud disappeared and it was back to just water. I lifted my hands up and the water flew into the sky. It started falling back down on us when I dropped my hands though so I kept throwing my hands up saying water fly away forever into space.
     I was walking up a mountain with a few people and we stopped half way because someone wanted to check out this side cave that was in the shape of a skull. There were five places of interest that we wanted to stop at on this mountain. At the top there was a hidden house, a burned down house, another cave, and then a couple more hidden places back down the mountain. I said lets start at the top and go back down. We went up to the burned house and were walking around it. When we got through to the other side there was a house with a light on inside. I saw someone sitting in a chair facing the other direction and I told everyone to shh and lets not go there. We started going back when all of these guys in swat team type black armor started coming out and shooting at us. I ran down the mountain and hid behind some branches. I saw them snipe one of my friends from a distance while a couple of other people ran up to them thinking they were here to help us because some one was shooting. They didn't know that it was them that were shooting at everyone.
     I was sitting in bed at my moms old house watching an episode of Star Trek when my alarm went off meaning it was time to go to church. I was upset because it was a two hour episode and I was only halfway through it. I went downstairs and mom was making breakfast sausage. She asked me why I have to go on such dangerous missions and I said well it doesn't matter anyways because this is a dream. She looked really confused and then I woke up.
   I was across the street from the church and Shawn put a trash bag poncho on Hyde so he could walk along side of the car in the rain while we drove across the street. When we got there I was sitting outside of a Sunday school room and I felt these spikes poking out of my leg. I pulled one out and it was a long wood skewer that are used on kabobs. I kept pulling out more and blood was getting everywhere. I figured it was from when I was hiding in the branches on the mountain. I counted how many skewers I had just pulled out of my leg and there were about 60. It grossed me out so much I decided I didn't want to go to the service I just wanted to go home and lay down. I heard someone talking about how they had used me as an example of who not to be like in a Sunday school lesson a couple weeks ago.
     I was riding with this old lady to this mans house in the middle of the country with my brothers. We got there and he was this super flamboyant rich older man that was trying to impress the old lady who was supposed to be my mom but she wasn't. He gave us all ice cream and he had a ton of different flavors so I got a rainbow mixture of a few kinds. He asked us if we wanted a drink before we went out to dinner and I said yes so he told me to go make them. He told me to make Paul a caramel apple crown drink. I went to his kitchen and couldn't find any liquor only a bunch of unmarked glass bottles in a bunch of different refrigerator cabinets. I went back to ask him where they were and he said they were all hooked up to an electric drink mixer. It was a circular device with all of these bottles hooked up to it and a button in the middle. We went out to the car and the lady asked us what we really thought about the guy and if we didn't like him we would leave right away. I said I thought he was a prick and stuck up so she said "ok wait in the car and I will go tell him goodbye". The car started driving away and I was in the passenger seat but it was backwards like a European car. It started rolling towards an intersection in the street and I was trying to steer the car while trying to jump into the driver seat to hit the brakes.
     I was in this giant thrift store watching the place for the owner while they were out of town. I was trying on different clothes and I was wondering if there were any cameras if I was going to take a couple of things. There were cameras in the front of the shop. This lady came up with this blue sparkly dress and asked me to try it on to see if it fit. She asked me about my selections that I had picked out for myself and I said I had been in a pencil skirt mood lately. I went to try on the dress but it was too small and the longer I messed with it in the mirror the smaller it got and the bigger my butt seemed. All of a sudden I was in a dressing room with a bunch of people getting ready for a church play. I wasn't in the play I was just a stagehand so when it was over everyone was out eating a buffet and the girl who was in charge but younger than me said I had to vacuum the whole place before I could eat. I asked her if I could at least fix a plate before they started putting the food up and she let me but she was pissed about it. I was trying to write on another plate "don't throw away" but I couldn't write anymore and I couldn't spell. They brought out an ice cream buffet and I was hoping to get done before it all melted. I was looking for Josh to tell him to help clean up so he didn't get in trouble. Dr. Scott came up and asked if we had finished cleaning and I said well none of us have even eaten yet so we're all working slowly. He said everyone can go home no one needs to stay and clean and the boss girl got so mad she stormed out. I saw him vacuuming and I took the vacuum and tried to help but everything kept flying out of it. A huge pile of rocks came out of it and I was trying to mess with the setting to fix it. My mom came up again and she said lets use a pulley system to get these rocks and piles of dirt out. I was sitting with her and my brothers and sister outside under a pavilion at a park. We had a bunch of different beers and mixers and I was making a trashcan beer special for each person.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

burglar hat 9/12/15

I was in Africa with my mom and we were trying to get to the exit interview to see if we qualified to leave the country. I remembered that I had an ecstasy pill in my purse that Morgan had givin me. I had tried to blend it in with my cough drops but I knew I wouldn't be able to take it on the airplane. We were leaving the next day so I asked my mom if it would be a bad idea to go on the plane rolling because I didn't want to waste it and throw it out. We were in a small room taking a questionnaire on if we had anything we were not supposed to have and such with a bunch of guards in the room. I was in a mobile home with Shawn house sitting for his friends and all of these cockroaches kept coming out. We kept trying to spray them and vacuum them up but they kept coming back and getting in my hair. The door was unlocked and all of these drunk people walked in. I was screaming at them to get out but they wouldn't and they kept going to the kitchen to try to find food. I offered them a cup of tea so I could call the cops and keep them there until the cops showed up so they could deal with them. They were being pretty rude saying things like hows that tea coming along. I put four small cups of water in this really weird microwave that had metal racks inside. I couldn't get my phone to dial 911. We weren't sure where we were going to be staying after that and I was trying to pack all of my stuff up. I was going to make meatloaf at either Shawns parents or my grandmas house because it was my brothers birthday. I was in a different house I think it was my dads and these people showed up to the door saying they were a moving company. I saw through the eyes of one of the guys with them and he had a hat recording device that was hooked up to these glasses that was highlighting paths and valuable objects in the house to come back and steal later. I was myself again and I knew what they were up to so I went to the car with a couple of peppers to call the cops and keep my eye on those people. I was pretending to chop the peppers in the car while watching to see where they went. My phone wasn't dialing 911 again and they were starting to leave. I guess it worked because they got stopped around the corner and were running shaking their fist at me like they knew I did it and they would come back later for revenge or something.

red hotel 9/11/15

I was at this big red hotel I was trying to play a game of pool but the cue ball exploded. It was full of white sand and it had a plastic shell. The manager said that means I win and he was trying to give me 10$ but all he had was a 20. Some other guy standing next to him said he had two 10s but they were British issued money so they were a really colorful red and blue. I wanted to take a picture of it but I got distracted because I ended up in the book store which was really pretty and had a lot of cool artifacts in it. It was kind of like a small museum and I kept trying to look at everything because it was so pretty.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

body shots 9/10/15

I was at Shawns parents house with him and Jeremy and Morgan and we got so drunk we passed out on the kitchen floor. My mom was showing me a magazine and asked me if I knew what light pink fishnet leggings meant. I was at this big party and Jaiden told me to go find a partner because he was busy. I had a big wad of blue taffy in my mouth that I was using to color my lips. I went to the bathroom to spit it out. I spit it out all over the counter and it was all stuck in my mouth. My lips were so swollen and my mouth was blistered and hurt so back. I rolled up the taffy which was now more like putty and there was a huge ball of it, and put it on the counter. These two lesbian girls came up to me and were asking me about the ball of putty saying how cool it was. I knew they wanted it so I just left it in the bathroom for them to find. I walked into a room and locked the door. There was a guy sleeping that I knew had a girlfriend. I crawled into the bed with him and I said "don't do it man don't do it man" and then asked him if I just read his mind. He said yes but then started to take my clothes off anyways. He poured a shot of strawberry liquor into my belly button and then drank it. I could feel it seeping through my belly button and into my body. In video game style I saw a list of liquor shots he had and I was going to pick which one I wanted next. I saw weed vodka and maple syrup and a few other flavors that looked good. We had sex and I was glad there was a party going on outside the door because I kept screaming. The next day I was looking for my phone to text Morgan because I wanted to tell her about my awesome night. I picked up a phone off of the couch and started texting but I noticed they were real buttons and it couldn't be my phone. A few people were calling my phone trying to find it and I found it across the room by a computer. I smoked a bowl and the people I was with wanted to know if I had time to smoke another before I had to go to dinner with Morgan. The guys blonde girlfriend came in and she was giving everyone a lecture on doing things with other people when they are in a relationship. I looked in the mirror and I had a braid in the front of my hair and the rest of my hair was in a braid behind my head. Morgan was already there but then this huge swarm of mosquitoes flew in the house. Morgan and I screamed and ran to hide under a sheet by the bed. I asked her if they would bite us through the sheet and she said she didn't think so. When the mosquitoes stopped I grabbed my bag and three Polaroid pictures off of the dresser in the room and  we ran to get to a restaurant for dinner. I was confused why we ended up going to the most expensive place in town. I remembered going there with my dad the week before. There was a big Christmas tree in the main lobby. I walked outside and a group from church was walking in. I had two presents for Morgan because I was afraid she was going to be mad at me when I told her my story. One had purple tissue paper and the other pink I looked into the present because I forgot what I got her. It was a gift bag of candy. I saw Heidi walking by and I asked her if she wanted to come to dinner too. I felt bad because I didn't have a present for her. I was sitting at a dinner table with all of these people I used to go to church with. The supervisor lady massaged the back of my neck in a way that seemed like she felt sorry for me that I was there and not talking to anyone. I was eating a huge plate of food and these girls with a pound of makeup on were gossiping. This girl got a picture from someone but it wasn't a very good. I remembered that one of the pictures I had grabbed earlier was of her so I took it out of my purse and gave it to her. It was a picture of her in front of a tall building and apparently it was really meaningful because she started crying. The lad sitting next to me whispered that the picture was supposed to be a surprise for something. I said I know that now I didn't know it was so special. I felt bad for ruining the surprise.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

kidnappers 9/9/15

I was staying in a hotel/bed and breakfast with three people I have never seen before. They were blonde younger guys with 90s haircuts. I knew that the person staying next door was up to no good and I was scared to leave the room because I didn't want him to see me. He was an older man that I knew was kidnapping people. I went for a ride on a city roller coaster with the guys I was staying with. They got a video recording from the guy staying next door that he had kidnapped my roommates and was torturing them. I was wondering how this was possible because they were sitting right next to me. They said that they had left decoys in the room and we needed to get back. I looked at the video recording and saw three guys knocked out and tied up in the room with a couple of old guys walking around setting things up. They looked very similar to the guys I was with but definitely not them. We went back to the room and we were trying to come up with a plan to kill the  main guy. I saw a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the ground that I remembered dropping there the week before. I took a bite of it and was surprised it was still frozen. I got grossed out that I had taken a bite of week old ice cream on the floor and spit it out. I looked out the window and it was snowing. I saw two guys that looked the same in sort of medieval armor outfits walking toward this small tower next door. The sun went down and I noticed that with the light on in our room you could see everything happening in there from the small tower next door. I was trying to remember if I had done anything embarrassing in the past few days that they could have seen. At that point I walked over to the other side of the room where there was a toilet out in the middle of the room. I tried to poop but I missed the toilet and laid two huge dumps right in front of it. Shawns parents showed up and were trying to take us out to dinner but I was so worried about the guy next door. Somehow we busted him and it was really intense.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

rave party

me and morgan and shawn got tickets to a huge rave. I went to the bathroom with morgan and when we came back type o negative was playing on a big screen. Shawn was not where we left him so we decided to walk around. We took some ex and walked into this private bar. It was really colorful and the drugs started kicking in. I was feeling so good. I knew I was dreaming for a bit because I kept thinking to myself I didn't know I could feel drugs when I'm asleep. We walked back to the main rave and everyone was taking their clothes off. I really wanted to participate but I thought that I would get a ticket for public indecency. Every one was naked crowd surfing so morgan and I held hands and jumped in. I lost morgans hand and started freaking out telling everyone I have to go find her. People kept trying to pull my clothes off but I jumped out of the crowd to go search the place for her. I walked into a hotel room and found shawn. I asked him where he had been and he said he started a company with this girl named something I cant remember.

12 coins 9/8/15

I was in a school building and was trying to figure out how to wear my backpack over my coat because it was all bulky. There were vampires that were trying to attack people and this guy told me the spell to keep them away. I needed to get 12 coins in my coat pocket and be wearing it when I recited the spell. I was showing him all of the different kinds of coins I had with me. It was hard to get my coat and my back pack on and this vampire was coming at me. I kept screaming the power of Christ compels you because I couldn't remember the spell. I was at Thomas' house picking out paint brushes to paint with. He was getting impatient that I was taking so long picking out the colors. I was going to paint something on the ceiling.

Monday, September 7, 2015

labor day party 9/7/15

I was trying to clean up moms apartment for a labor day party. I slept too late and she started finishing cleaning up. A couple of her friends came over and they seemed really bored. I went to the store to get some beer but it was snowing and icy. I drove by these cops that said to make sure I get out of there by 9:00. All of a sudden I was in this park area and it was an adventure hike through this woodsy area. It took me too long to complete the course and the weather was getting worse. Hyde ran out of a house and slipped on this wooden bridge. He was barely hanging on and Shawn grabbed his paws and pulled him up but dislocated one of the puppys shoulders. We made it back to the car and went back to the party. My mom said they were going to go back over to her friends house where the good beer was at. At some other point I was looking at all of these naked pictures on my computer. My sister wanted to see what I was looking at and I wouldn't let her. My brother had to stop by a funeral and I was asking him if he wanted to stay for the whole thing or just sit in the back and leave early. We never actually went but I imagined the two scenarios in my head.

Giant bookstore 9/6/15

I was in a giant bookstore which I think was the opera house bookstore in denton. I was looking at all of these tiny books. I wanted to buy one in every language. There was one book that was written in a yarn language. It was really colorful. I found a secret set of stairs that led up and down. I went up first. The flooring wasn't that stable. There was a secret collection of really old books. The whole area felt really spooky. There was one room in the back that was full of really old furniture but the whole room was falling apart.There were a few ways to get back down the stairs one was a set of broken stairs and another was a slide. I went downstairs to order a beer. I took it to an outside table to finish. I went to this department store where morgan was visiting her boyfriend. She was tanning naked inside under an umbrella while her boyfriend was taking pictures. I tried to take a secret picture on my phone but I think she caught me. Me and her were all of a sudden back at the book store in a bathtub naked drinking tropical frozen drinks.

demon children 8/22/15

I was in this big house with a family that I knew were my family but I didn’t recognize them. These demon kids kept coming in the door and trying to bite people. The dad kept killing them but more kept coming in. The door kept being left open and these cats also kept walking in. They would leave the door open and the demons would walk in. They bit someone and me and morgan hid on a ledge up the stairs. I drove to the back of this hotel and we were staying to have a meeting with the demon kids because I was going to be their leader. I remembered my secret plan about pretending to be their leader but really taking them down from the inside.  There was a glowing blue mark on my forehead.

ghost in the kitchen 8/21/15

(staying with a friend in San Antonio)
I woke up and had to go to the bathroom but he said don’t use that one there is water all over the floor so use the kitchen bathrooms. There were three toilets out in the open in the kitchen and all of these people started showing up. I didn’t want to just use the kitchen toilets out in the open so I was waiting until I saw someone else doing it first. There was a ghost moving things around in the kitchen. We were driving on the highway and josh was driving really fast. I kept thinking we were going to get pulled over.