Thursday, July 30, 2015

Drop into another diminsion. 7/30/2015

( I haven't been writing these down because all I have been able to remember is small flashes of what the dreams were about. I decided I will write anything I remember down every day. ) This one the farthest back I can remember is being in this classroom and I'm trying to check my schedule to see if I'm in the right class because I don't recognize the teacher or the people in the class. My schedule says I'm in the right room but its the wrong class level mine is supposed to be part 2 of the class. Then I'm trying to leave but I have so much stuff with me. It was my traveling stuff like a huge back pack and five bags of groceries and such. It turns out I had another class that I forgot about that I hadn't gone to all semester. and I hadn't gone to my choir class and the performance was the next week. I kept trying to get to the choir class to practice but I kept getting lost. I don't know what happened in between but there was this huge building that was like a college but it was a jail. You had to get your meals from one level and there were a lot of glass walls and windows. There were a lot of escalators. Another jump to another part of the dream I don't know how it gets here but I had done something "illegal" like missed a class or something and I got back to my house (it was my moms old house that we grew up in) and I walk in and was trying to say hi to my mom and my brothers but then a huge spotlight lit up the entire house and over the speakers this man was saying "do not talk or make eye contact with the criminals or you will also be taken into custody". I was screaming at my mom "don't let them take me !! please don't let them take me!!" and they were dragging me down the sidewalk and I'm screaming and crying. Some distraction happened and this little girl was trying to run too. I grabbed her hand and we ran as fast as we could down the street and around the block avoiding the flashing cop cars. We ran by a baseball field and people were being lined up and interrogated. It seemed like they were just trying to find reasons to take people in. We ran down this dark back road alley and went into a door a the end of it. We started running down these stairs that seems like the never ended. It was like apartment stairs where they wrap around and around. We got to a dead end and we heard people following us. She said to push the red squares on the ceiling. I looked up and it was a tile ceiling with all kinds of colors. She pushed a few of the tiles and the ground dropped out from under our feet. I grabbed her hand again so we wouldn't fly away from each other and we started flying through different dimensions. every dimension was a room with a bunch of dream like things floating around in it. Flying colorful ropes, people sitting around doing something, all in a black space just existing there. We land in one area and its really fuzzy but there was water I think some sort of pond, and mermaids. It was really foggy and dark in the room and it felt really cold and damp. I was trying to blend in but they found me and all of a sudden the lights come on and this robot announcer says " game 8 ended" and I'm back at the drop with the colorful tile ceiling but the little girl is not with me this time. It made me wonder how long I have been doing this. I pushed a few of the tiles and the floor dropped again. I flew through the dimensions again and this time found a little boy flying through the air and I tried to grab his hand so he wouldn't get lost. We landed back at my moms house and I was hiding in her bedroom upstairs. She kept coming in to check on us (I was hiding in there with my brother) and she kept complaining about having to wear this pink nightgown so they wouldn't suspect anything. I went to get my laptop out of my room so i could write down this "dream" so I wouldn't forget when I woke up. My laptop had all kinds of things plugged in and wires sticking out and pieces missing. I started typing everything I could remember but my laptop was tapped so I heard them busting into the house. I ran to the closet and climbed into the attic. I ran all the way to the back (this was also one of the dimensions I had flown by) and hid in a kids bathtub that was full of water and put a sheet over myself. I heard them looking around upstairs and come into the attic. then my mom walked into this secret back room that I was in and says oh there you are. she says they wont see you and put another blanket to cover me. Then she sat down right in front of me and started watching TV. That's all I remember.

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