Monday, August 10, 2015

mystery 8/10/15

I walked into a house and I was with a detective team trying to figure out why no one was there. I looked in the bathroom and the sink was full of dried flies. I looked over on the ground and saw there was a dead old woman. A couple of people ran over to investigate but I couldn't tell if she was still alive. I saw a hole in the wall in the back of the room. It turns out it was a mining shoot and we all went down on a cart. I went headfirst on my back down the shoot. We landed in a river flowing through a town. I saw Mr. Bean trying to crawl up one of the walls on the side. Suddenly I was in a car with my grandpa and Shawn. Pops was trying to ask if we wanted to go on vacation for the week. I said I was really tiered and wanted to stay in for the night. When I found out he was going to California I changed my mind and wanted to go.

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