Wednesday, September 30, 2015

tied game 9/30/15

I was house sitting for Shawns sister with my mom. They had a huge refrigerator full of beer so I got my mom a pineapple smirnoff ice and I got myself some dark craft beer. We were watching TV and I went to the food refrigerator and when I looked inside I found their baby in the crisper drawer. I told the sister and she was freaking out saying she had only put her in there for a minute because she was too hot but there was an ice layer covering the baby that we had to break off. Then I was walking around a college on the phone with my dad trying to meet up with him while hiding from the professors because I wasn't in school anymore and if they saw me they would try to make me go to class. I was trying to go across a ladder bridge to get to the other side of the building but when I got half way across I was too scared to go the rest of the way because I was afraid of heights and I could see down through the bridge. I didn't notice that there had been another solid wood bridge on the other side of the room but I couldn't make it back on the bridge and I was trying to hand my phone over to someone so I could use both hands to crawl back. I was hanging out with my brother and Shawn and my brother kept saying he wanted to smoke a welcome home joint with us and he was so excited that when we said we couldn't because we were looking for a job his feelings got really hurt. We were hanging out in a pool and my brother was looking at Shawn to see if he had any pot tattoos too because he was so proud that he just got a new one. I looked and my brother had a weed plant tattoo on his chest and three black cross tattoos. Shawn said something about how he doesn't have a tattoo to single him out like that or something and I could tell it hurt my brothers feelings. All of a sudden I was with someone strapped on to a flock of birds that were flying in a V shape in the sky. We were flying all over the place and I could see everything but I was kind of nervous because I didn't want to let go of the straps I was hanging on to. I was at this football game and the teams tied but when they went in to over time they started procrastinating starting the game back up. First they played a video of some girls birthday. Then they zoomed in on a guy singing a song in the crowd and the whole stadium started singing with him. I looked around and saw these two girls there holding cakes in the shape of numbers of two of the players. I assumed that they were their boyfriends and they had died somehow so they were cakes of remembrance. They kept playing different things on the big screen and all of these people started running on to the field. I was waiting for them to bring out the cute puppies or kitties as a distraction. I was asking Shawn why they were holding back the game like this and he said maybe it was so these teams can play each other again in the playoffs. I said aren't the people at home watching this game really confused as to why it just stopped? Are they getting to see everything there doing right now or are they just playing commercials for them?

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